Stay Safe! It’s a Beautiful Day!

How are you coping with this pandemic time?

Myself and my family are doing well, staying home like everybody else.  Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap; wear a face mask when we’re out.  And we are staying positive about the COVID-19.

Real Estate is an essential service.  Recently I have noticed that there are more vacant homes and tenanted properties being listed.  Sellers would like to get their equities out, especially since landlords can’t evict any tenant.  A financial loss for owners carrying mortgages.  Before I physically show a listing, I would arrange virtual viewings for all the potential buyers before an appointment is arranged.  If you’d like to discuss more about the process, please contact me.

When you know someone who would be interested to sell or buy real estate, please let me know their names, email address and phone numbers.  I promised to look after them with my 5-star service.

Stay safe  and stay healthy!  It is a beautiful day!

Thanks for keeping me in mind.